What Are The Most Common Injuries After A Car Accident in Florida?

The number of people injured in motor vehicle accidents in Florida each year is staggering. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, in 2020 there were over 340,000 total motor vehicle crashes in Florida, with over 200,000 reporting serious bodily injuries caused by the crash. Florida also ranked third nationwide in 2020 for car accident fatalities.

The seriousness of crash-related injuries can vary greatly depending upon the facts surrounding the crash, including speed, use of safety restraint systems, and other factors. However, even seemingly minor fender benders which occur at lower speeds can cause traumatic injuries that require immediate medical attention. New symptoms can arise within days or weeks of the accident. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a motor vehicle crash, it is important to seek out medical treatment immediately.

Neck and back injuries are by far the most common injuries. However, more than one part of your body can be injured, and some injuries such as concussion and traumatic brain injury are often not diagnosed or are misdiagnosed.

Most commonly reported motor vehicle crash-related injuries:

  • Neck and Back Injuries
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Disc Injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Broken Bones
  • Cuts and Abrasions
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Steps to take if you have been injured in a motor vehicle crash:

  1. Call 911. Wait at the scene for EMS and law enforcement to arrive and accept medical treatment at the scene and an ambulance ride to the ER if your injuries warrant it.
  2. Seek Medical Treatment. If the accident and your injuries are serious, go to the ER. Describe all of your symptoms to medical personnel and document any new or worsening symptoms after you have been discharged.
  3. Take Photographs. Use your cellphone to take photos of your injuries and the vehicles that were involved, if you are able.
  4. Collect Driver and Witness Information. Responding law enforcement officers will investigate the accident and create a traffic crash report, including driver information, but sometimes information is incomplete or witness information is missing.
  5. Do Not Give Recorded Statements to Insurance Adjusters. Do not admit fault, give any recorded statements, or accept any settlement offers from insurance companies or their representatives without first consulting with an attorney who is experienced in motor vehicle accident claims.
  6. Consult with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney.

If You Have Been Injured In A Car Accident, We Can Help!

You can trust our experienced attorneys to advise you on the next steps in your injury claim. We are known for our compassionate and personalized service.

The Law Office of Heidi A. Hillyer, P.A. has represented victims in all types of motor vehicle accidents and we will work diligently to seek full and fair compensation for your injuries. We never collect a fee unless we win your case.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Call our office at (407) 636-8300 to schedule your free, no obligation case evaluation, or contact us online.